Corporate responsibility in action

multicultural designer sharing ideas during a meeting

We’re delighted to partner with ReLove

relove logo

Women impacted by domestic violence or homlessness often have few possessions when setting up a new home. ReLove helps by rescuing furniture and household items from companies and the community to redistribute to those in need through the creation of a “Free Store” where clients can choose everything they need to set up their homes.

Bluestone Home Loans is proud to support such an organisation and offer our team opportunities to contribute through volunteer days, assisting the ReLove team in organising and distributing furniture and household items to families when they access safe housing.

We’ve taken steps to reduce our carbon footprint

keep going and you'll get there

Operating in the bustling cities of Sydney, Auckland and Manila, we’re also conscious of our impact on the environment. We measure our carbon footprint each year and take proactive steps to reduce our environmental impact.

Our offices are set up to create as little waste as possible, with centralised recycling, and sensor lights and taps in the bathrooms. Our reliance on paper is reducing every year, as we minimise printing, and digitise records and systems. We use recycled paper and bamboo paper products, complying with local forestry standards.

multiethnic couple handshake with consultant at home
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