How debt consolidation saved this couple $1,210 each month

Life doesn’t always go according to plan. No matter how well you budget, you can still find yourself overwhelmed with debt. This could be due to an unpredictable one-off event like job loss, divorce or illness, or simply from the ongoing pressure of mounting day-to-day expenses and the rising cost of living.

If you have equity in your home you may be able to put it to use to consolidate your debts into your home loan – like Mark and Julie did. By drawing down the equity in their property, this couple were able to consolidate credit card and personal loan debt into their Bluestone home loan repayments to save over one thousand dollars every month. Here’s how they did it:

Debt consolidation scenario


Are you struggling with debt? Complete our increase enquiry form to learn more about using your equity to consolidate other debts into your home loan. Once you’ve completed the form one of our friendly loan specialists will be in touch to discuss your request.

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